Monday, April 17, 2017


My home,

    I don't know what to say really. Here I have been the last couple of hours, trying to write my last email and I am filled with a heap of emotions, unable to find words. I've always had the thought of this day planted somewhere in the back of my head. I often wondered what my final thoughts would be and how I would be able to put it all together. But the truth is I can't. I realize now everything that I have felt, experienced, and learned out here, are that which cannot be properly described as well as understood through merely words on a screen, pen and paper, or even face to face.

    My mission means the world to me. Im not going to lie, it hasn't been all sunshine and roses, but time and time again I saw blessings showered over me as I stayed faithful and gave my best. I felt the love and comfort of God and Jesus Christ as I pressed on through hard times. I developed a relationship with my Father in Heaven in a way that I never could have, had I not come out here and stayed.

    My dearest friends and family, I know that we are children of a living and loving God. I truly believe that every single person on His earth has a role to play, for bigger or for smaller in fulfilling the perfect plan of our Father in Heaven. There is no human being that can fall too far from the outstretched hand of the Savior. It is not possible. I know it is our duty to love, and as we strive to become more like Christ we will better know what it actually means to love. We are not perfect, nor will we reach perfection in this life and that's fully okay. As long as we are striving to become better people everyday.

    To my missionaries that I will be leaving that still have time
out here, I love you. I really do. I have built friendships with some of you that I know will exceed far after the mission is over and I'm so grateful for the special time we shared out here together. JUST DO YOU. Keep shining! Stay true to yourself and the Lord! That's all that is important. We will see you soon on the other side.

    And to my support system who I left for a while that I will be seeing soon, especially my Mom and Pops. I couldn't have made it without you. My heart is full of gratefulness. I have missed you all dearly and I look so forward to our reunion on Friday. I love you.

For the last time,

Elder Noah William Miller

Dear friends and family,

It is with mixed emotions that we post Noah's final letter as a full time missionary serving in the Germany, Berlin Mission. We are so grateful for the time he has been able to spend serving, getting to know, and falling in love with the wonderful people in this extraordinary place. We feel so blessed to have had the privilege to be able to share his journey with each of you and we are so grateful for all of your love and support throughout these last two years.

With much love and gratitude,

John and Mary

Please feel free to join us in welcoming him home!
Noah will be returning on Friday, April 21st.
Sky Harbor Airport - 6:59 p.m.
United Airlines Flight #1927 
Terminal #2 

Noah will be speaking in church on Sunday, April 30th
Highland Ranch Ward - Power & Guadalupe Building

2:00 p.m

Thursday, April 6, 2017

WEEK 93 APRIL 3, 2017

Heyyy heyy

I hope everybody is doing great! All is well in Hamburg.

Nothing too crazy this week. We had interviews on Thursday and I was second to last so we were there pretty much the entire day. My
interview went really well. It was like an hour long and I came out
and people were worried - they were like "Elder Miller everything good?? You were in there forever!" I didn't even realize. With my last normal interview, I told President about some insecurities I had about not knowing if I have achieved a successful mission or not because I haven't had many baptisms. The last few weeks as I realize my mission is coming to an end, I have been solely evaluating and drawing to the conclusion that my mission has not been successful because I have not been in the water as much as I would have liked. As I explained this to President Fingerle we talked, he took me through some scriptures, and suddenly he pulled out his laptop and showed me a video of a mission president seminar he attended with a few of the apostles. Together, afterwards, we discovered a different conclusion. My mission has been successful.

In January with the broadcast to missionaries throughout the world we learned that our job, is to establish the church. There are many
aspects in doing so. Strengthening ward unity and the members,
reactivating less actives, testifying of Christ, being an example, and
much more. As we went through a few of these points together I
realized that, that is exactly what I have strived to do these past
two years, whether or not I or others have seen "baptism success." We came to this land and did what we were called to do. Declare the word unto the people, serve them, and to explain of Christ's love for them.

No I wasn't in the baptismal font every weekend. I don't think that
was God’s plan for me ever since I decided to send in my papers. But I told a heck of a lot of people about the blessings that await them if they so choose. I developed love for the people I taught, whether they decided to take the next step or not. I changed many things about my nature in order to become more of the person God expects me to be.

D&C 97:8 Verily I say unto you, all among them who know their hearts are honest, and are broken, and their spirits contrite, and are
willing to observe their covenants by sacrifice--yea, every sacrifice
which I, the Lord, shall command--they are accepted of me.

I'm not done yet, but I know the Lord approves of my service and
sacrifice thus far. I haven't been perfect, I've made mistakes, but
through the atonement my love has grown deeper and I have grown

"Come as you are, but don't plan on staying as you are." - Jeffrey Holland

That is the gospel.

I love you

Elder Noah Miller